Money + Meaning

Too often, the consumer culture is the dominant voice in shaping our money habits. This can lead to unfortunate consequences like increased stress and diminished wellbeing. At Share Save Spend®, we help you deconstruct a variety of money issues, open new lines of communication and build new skills for the journey ahead. When your financial goals reflect your values—including the people and issues that are most important to you—they open a whole new world of possibilities.

Nathan Dungan

Nathan Dungan is the founder and president of Share Save Spend®. For over 25 years, Nathan has been a thought leader in the area of helping individuals and families align their money decisions with their values. He is the author of three books, as well as numerous groundbreaking tools and resources for organizations, individuals, and families.
“Nathan Dungan has a philosophy and framework for financial planning in families that redirects attention to values and makes the distinction between wants and needs—giving weight to sharing and saving as well as spending money. It has changed the way I've talked about money and lived about money with my children.”

Krista Tippett

host of public radio’s On Being

Nathan participated in one of our recent Tolleson Family Education Events. We’ve been doing these twice-yearly events since 2008, and they have become very popular among clients and friends of our firm. Nathan kicked off this event by providing the audience with an overview of his financial wellbeing work with families of wealth. He then took part in a panel discussion with two young adults. One of them was a young, sixth generation member of 480-person family, and the other was a member of a much smaller family that had only recently sold a family business. Nathan did a great job with the introduction, and watching him interact with the audience and the two other panelists brought the topic to life. Many of the participants told us that this was the best program we’d EVER done! Thank you, Nathan!!

J. Richard Joyner

President & CEO, Private Wealth Management

“…Nathan Dungan…runs a financial consulting and education firm called Share Save Spend for families and others who want to get smarter about money conversations…[I] model some of my own parenting after the way [he raises his] own child.”

Ron Lieber

The New York Times "Your Money" columnist